All about Padethanes |
Viewing profile :: Padethanes
Joined: 7128 Days
Posts: 10
Location: Carolina
Wolfpack is now recuriting! |
Ryack ::
Mon May 01, 2006 5:06 am
Wolfpack is now recruiting all classes level 25 . Please see the "Our App process explained" post on the forums under Hunting with the Pack to apply, the post your application. Please use your Main Character name when posting your application. Thank you
Congratulations Kurzaa and Snapdragon!! |
Ryack ::
Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:49 am
Congratulations to Kurzaa and Snapdragon on the birth of their first child Lucy!! Father, mother, and baby girl are at home doing fine.
The Wolfpack hits 41!! |
Ryack ::
Thu Apr 27, 2006 2:03 pm
The Wolfpack has is now level 41!! Thanks to all the members who made this possible and keep up the fantastic job everyone is doing!!
Wolfpack Grows Stronger |
Jams ::
Mon Mar 27, 2006 9:38 am
Wolfpack is pleased to announce that we have merged with Bloodguard. This merging of packs brings some old faces back to Wolfpack as well as some new. The combined strengths of both puts Wolfpack back into the hunt for Big Game to feed all our hungry mouths. Members please look to our Calendar for upcoming scheduled hunts. No large targets are safe in the world of Norrath now that the Wolfpack is on the hunt once again!
LU20A - more than meets the eye |
pyratt ::
Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:25 am
*** City Guards ***
- Guards within Qeynos and Freeport can now be attacked!
- Guards no longer politely banish enemies from their city. Instead, they attack any intruders that they dislike.
*** Desert of Flames ***
- Players who completed "A Final Note" and deleted "Delving Into Darkness" can now get "Delving Into Darkness" again from the Antiquitor.
*** Quests ***
- Players who are not in guilds can now do level 50+ writs.
- The recipe for the Shroud of the Manastone during "Stiletto's Orders Intercepted" now requires a sullied medium quality badger pelt instead of an Etched Hide Plate.
- The recipe for the Dull Granite Tomahawk during "An Axe From the Past" now requires a piece of severed ash instead of an Ash Stave.
- If you delete the Dusty Blue Stone and have not yet started the quest, you can hail Vida again to get another.
- Disciple Telas`velle should now be giving out writs in the same manner as other writ givers.
*** Items ***
- Food and drink should now function and examine the same as they did before Live Update #19.
- Imbued rings no longer have a permanent stat buff effect. They are now all triggered with differing effects depending on the imbue type.
*** Zones and Population ***
- The shortcut teleporter in Solusek's Eye is now functional.
*** Combat ***
- The examine information for Rogue and Predator offensive stances has been corrected. It previously stated that the stances decreased parry, even though they do not.
Assassin changes:
- The stealth effect for Sneak Attack will now trigger much faster.
Brigand changes:
- Amazing Reflexes will break if the Brigand takes damage. Its reuse timer after breaking is 30 seconds.
Paladin changes:
- Ranged Paladin spells can now be interrupted as normal.
- Cry of Conviction has a slightly larger radius.
- Sigil of Heroism will not affect an ally that has a spell from the Amends line on them.
Ranger changes:
- Trick Shot's hate gain no longer increases as it is upgraded, and its duration has been lowered to 5 seconds.
- The stealth effect for Shrouded Attack will now trigger much faster.
Shadowknight changes:
- Ranged Shadowknight spells can now be interrupted as normal.
- Cruel Aura has a slightly larger radius.
- Grim Coil's casting time has been halved.
Swashbuckler changes:
- False Blade's hate gain no longer increases as it is upgraded, and its duration has been lowered to 5 seconds.
Troubador changes:
- Alin's Serenade should no longer produce more than 41% hate reduction.
*** User Interface ***
- /whoraid output is now formatted more closely to /who.
- Examine windows and tooltips have been streamlined for Weapons, Armor, Shields, Expendables, House Items, Ammo, General Items, and Spells & Combat Arts.
- In Single Click Except Attack mode, single-clicking an enemy that already hates you will attack that enemy.
- Added the ability to speed up the timeout on the new instruction buttons
* instruction_close_time <seconds>
* Default is 10 minutes (600 seconds)
* This can be changed in the command line or eq2.ini
- Added the ability to ignore the new instruction buttons
* instruction_ignore_all <0|1>
* Default is false
* This can be changed in the command line or eq2.ini
- The zone you are entering has been added to the onscreen message. You can filter this using Options -> User Interface -> Popup Messages -> Locations
- By popular request, jewelry shows its slot again (examine and tooltip).
- /whochannel will now correctly show off-world channel members.
- Items links will now work correctly in tells sent to other servers.
- You can now set the middle mouse button to toggle auto-run under Options -> Controls -> Movement Keys.
- Many windows have been updated to use the new style tooltips for item icons.
- Characters changing their appearance should no longer be shown in newbie starter gear (unless that's what they're wearing).
- Gamma values should remain constant when switching between fullscreen and windowed mode.
Ryan "Blackguard" Shwayder
Profile |
Welcome to Wolfpack Forums, Guest.
Guild Charter |
We are the wolves of WOLFPACK. We are a union of adventurers, friends, crafters and family. We have members with many years of experience with everquest (mostly from Bristlebane) and some who are brand new that bring new perspectives. We have a unique blend of members that group together and help those in need. We are a highly successful guild that knows how to have fun.
Wolfpack Guild Direction...
A strong guild based on strong family values...
Guild Priorities:
1 - Have fun!!
2 - Be there for each other
3 - Complete quests
4 - Level both ourselves and the guild
5 - Raid
We call ourselves WOLVES for a good reason. Wolves and wolf packs are social creatures and form tight units that hunt and live together. They work as a unit to over take large game. We the Wolves of Wolfpack are the same, we value each and every member of the guild. We support each other in crafting, adventuring and questing. Friends, Family.... Forever... Just because we are a family guild and close does not mean we are not powerful or not experienced at Everquest, actually it quite the opposite. We have many members with long histories in Everquest, they mainly come from Bristlebane server.
We also know that Everquest 2 is a game played by all ages of people, and with a game like this there will be a wide variety of chat. While we welcome wolves with pups, please be aware of this fact. After 9pm PST, chat may not be suitable for younger members.
The Officership
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Poll question |
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