Some updated pics


Since using a keyboard hack for the actual player controlls is problematic at best (ghosting, blocking, slowdown, etc) i decided to only use the keyboard hack for the "non-player" buttons. I did it the hard way and wired up the full keyboard matrix, but it gives me lots of options for the future and really only took me an hour. I bought the junction blocks from radio shack and got the ribbon cable from an ide cable i had lying around

  • TOOLS: (30watt iron, wire stripper, plenty of light, 40/60 solder, hot glue gun, screwdriver) and experience (or enthusiam and patience).

    Hmm, nice keyboard....

    Wonder whats behind here?

    Ah, a keyboard matrix (after i unsoldered the sockets and added some ribbon cable)

    Note my use of the keyboard plastic, complete with pre-drilled mounting points