set nocompatible "Allows us to do fancy stuff like rulers
"display tweaks
set t_Co=256 "Force term to 256 colors
colorscheme jellybeans "Nice pastel colorscheme, desert or desert256 is ok also
syntax enable "Enable syntax hilighting (for programming/etc)
set hlsearch "Highlight searchs
set title "Set xterm title to file vim has open
set ruler "show the ruler all the time (ctrl-J)
" Spaces and tabs
" ---------------
set tabstop=4 "Use 4 spaces instead of actual tab char
set expandtab "Expand actual tab chars into 4 spaces
set shiftwidth=4 "When using < > to shift blocks of code, shift 4 spaces
filetype plugin indent on "Based on filetype, change the indent amount/style
" Functionality tweaks
" --------------------
set directory=/dev/shm//,/run/shm//,/tmp//,. "keep swapfiles out of
set backupdir=/dev/shm//,/run/shm//,/tmp//,. "keep backup files out of
" UI tweaks
" ---------
set pastetoggle=<F2> " switch between paste and no paste
set foldenable " Enable Folding
set foldlevel=0 " Default all folds to closed
"set foldmethod=expr " Set how folds are done: indent,manual,syntax,diff,expr
set foldmethod=marker " Set how folds are done: indent,manual,syntax,diff,expr
nnoremap <space> za " Enable folding with the spacebar
set incsearch " Auto jump to partially matched searchs
set showmatch " Match a closing or opening brace/parenthese/bracket
set iskeyword+=_,$,@,%,#,- " None of these chars should be word dividers
" Make things quiet
" -----------------
set noerrorbells " No beep occurs when an error message is displayed
set t_vb= " No bell, prevents lag when cursoring too far right or left
" Timestamp Remap Macros for insert(ino) and normal(nno) modes
" ------------------------------------------------------------
nnoremap <F5> "=strftime("%c")P
inoremap <F5> =strftime("%c")