Networkd Server
Network Server

Here is the perl script, you can put it in /usr/local/monitor/networkd
#!/usr/bin/perl open(RESULTS, "/proc/net/dev"); while (<RESULTS>) { $result = $_; if (grep(/eth\d:/, $result)) { ($device, $therest) = split (":", $result); $device =~ s/ //ig; ($size_r,,,,,,,,$size_t) = split(" ", $therest); print "$device:$size_r:$size_t\n"; } } close RESULTS;
Here is the xinetd.d file (place in /etc/xinetd.d/networkd
#desc: The networkd monitor script. service networkd { type = UNLISTED id = networkd socket_type = stream protocol = tcp user = root wait = no server = /usr/local/monitor/networkd port = 30003 disable = no }
Here is an example hosts.allow entry