Rogue Squadron '69 Buick Electra 225 pictures
To enable the car in place of the v-wing use the passcode KOELSCH
- Create a new save game.
- Enable the "chicken" cheat in password box.
- exit and open savegame with hex editor (any)
- upgrade yourself to supreme commander: change hex address 31 to 0F
- Give yourself 19 gold: change hex address 53-57 to FF FF FF FF FF
- enable the car cheat: change hex address 9C-A3 to FF FF FF FF FF FF FF
- start game. Attempt to add chicken cheat again (it will fail).
- Once it has failed do it again (it will work this time).
- Scroll thru the empty password list until you see chicken.
- Click on it and hit shift-del.
- Start a mission that has the v-wing as an option.
Heres a save game (shift-left click to download)
Install it in c:\program files\lucasarts\rogue\player profiles
---- David Mc Anulty

Make sure to visit my vcar you can drive a real car via the