need to hand in to npc:
these boots were made (dude in ant, fort near oracle griffon point)
Haddens earing (guy on docks in thundering steppes)
The Return of the light (npc near crossroads in commandlands, need to kill him)

need kill: everliving (L36^^ can solo):
(guise of the deciver can be gotten and complete in this zone)
restoring ghoulbane (nek castle)

need kill: fyst (death fyst citidal):
rescue of the greenhoodl (short sword of yakk)
traingin is a shield (shiney brass shield)

need kill: varsoon (rov instanced near back, can solo):
stiletto's orders intercepted (manastone, in chest on left after kill)
(strange black rock, not yet finished, need palladium torque)

need kill: t'sanne (?):
dragoon knae (npc in nek northwest side of map, south of castle)